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  Tone Generator

About this app

This app generates a constant tone (sine wave) in the audible frequency range, from 20Hz to 22KHz, and its frequency can be adjusted in increments of 10 Hz. Also, special sounds can be played to remove the water from your speaker and to repel mosquitos. Each of these major parts of our app is located on a distinct page and more information about them is displayed when you tap their title. What else this tone generator can be used for?

- Tuning musical instruments and testing audio equipment
- To find out what is the highest frequency you can hear
- To interact with your dog, to stop him from barking (Note: Longer exposure to the high-frequency range can damage the dog's hearing)
- To find out the frequency of your pure-tone tinnitus, also to provide some relief from it




How it works

Here are the steps you must take to use the three distinct parts of our app:

Tone Generator

1. Set the media volume to medium
2. Swipe left or right to adjust the frequency
3. Tap the play button to generate a constant tone

Speaker cleaner

1. Set the media volume to maximum
2. Tap the blue text to enable or disable vibrations
3. Tap the play button to start the cleaning process

Mosquito repeller

1. Set the media volume to maximum
2. Tap the blue text to select a tone or white noise
3. Tap the play button to generate the sound




Global features

-- simple user interface
-- swipe left or right to adjust frequency
-- free application, no intrusive ads
-- no permissions required
-- this app keeps the phone's screen ON