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Windows applications

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  Smarter Battery - new! 8.1   Micro Solitaire 5.0  
  Smarter Battery 7.5   Planets 3D 1.1  
Backgammon Classic 7.2   Planets 3D Pro 1.1  
Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5   Monitor Expert 2.0  
System Monitor Pro 1.3   Galaxies 3D 1.1  
Stars 3D 1.1   Moons of Jupiter 1.1  
Moons of Saturn 1.1   Resistor Plus 1.1  
Multi-Search Tool 1.0   Windraw 1.0  
Elementary Particles 1.1   Power Magic 1.1  
Particle Simulation 7.0   Big Meter Pro 3.0  
Big Clock Pro 4.1   Dialo 1.4  
CPU Meter Pro 1.2   Poker Lines 2.2  
Gammonet 2.0            
  Smarter Battery 7.5  
Backgammon Classic 7.2  
Backgammon Classic Pro 8.5  
System Monitor Pro 1.3  
Stars 3D 1.1  
Moons of Saturn 1.1  
Multi-Search Tool 1.0  
Elementary Particles 1.1  
Particle Simulation 7.0  
Big Clock Pro 4.1  
CPU Meter Pro 1.2  
Gammonet 2.0  
Micro Solitaire 5.0  
Planets 3D 1.1  
Planets 3D Pro 1.1  
Monitor Expert 2.0  
Galaxies 3D 1.1  
Moons of Jupiter 1.1  
Resistor Plus 1.1  
Windraw 1.0  
Power Magic 1.1  
Big Meter Pro 3.0  
Dialo 1.4  
Poker Lines 2.2  

Android applications

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Tone Generator Pro 4.1   Birds of the Danube Delta 1.2  
Decibel Meter 1.1   100 Scientists 1.1  
Touch Screen Test 3.1   UV Index 6.1  
Poker Lines 2.1   UV Index Pro 5.1  
Freecell Plus 1.1   Animalia 3.1  
Solitaire Plus 2.2   Marine Life 1.1  
Moon Phases 3.1   Dinosaur Museum 1.1  
Curs Valutar 2.1   Planets (Pro) 5.1  
Euro Rates 2.1   Planets VR 5.1  
Euro Rates Pro 2.1   Black Holes 6.0  
AQ Index 4.0   Proxima Centauri 4.1  
Galaxies 2.0   Resistor Plus 1.1  
Stars 1.1   Magnetometer 3D 1.1  
Moons of Jupiter 1.1   Barometer 8.0  
Moons of Saturn 1.1   Barometer Pro 7.1  
Dice Plus 2.0   Accelerometer 5.0  
Inclinometer 1.1   Micro Ruler 3.0  
Quotes Plus 1.1   Micro Alert (Pro) 1.1  
Speedometer 1.1   Lux Meter 1.2  
Heart Rate (Pro) 1.2   Angles Plus 1.1  
Color Pro 1.1   Tinnitus Therapy 1.2  
Randomis 1.2   Accelerometer Pro 1.2  
Sleep Tight 1.2   Jokes + 1.2  

Touch Screen Test + 4.1   Love Quotes 1.2  

Backgammon Classic 3D 2.1   Solaris 4.1  

Gomoku 2.1   Time Zones 1.1  

Solar Radiation 2.1   Wheels 5.2  

Mars, the red planet 2.1   Moon 3D 3.1  

Earth 3D 3.1   Pluto 3D 2.1  

IO 3D 2.1   Mercury 3D 2.1  

Europa 3D 2.1   Venus 3D 2.1  

Quakes 3D 2.1   Volcanoes 3D 2.1  

Speedometer 1.1  
Angles Plus 1.1  
Heart Rate (Pro) 1.2  
Tone Generator Pro 4.1  
Birds of the Danube Delta 1.2  
Decibel Meter 1.1  
Touch Screen Test 3.1  
Poker Lines 2.1  
Freecell Plus 1.1  
Solitaire Plus 2.2  
Moon Phases 3.1  
Curs Valutar 2.1  
Euro Rates 2.1  
Euro Rates Pro 2.1  
AQ Index 4.0  
Galaxies 2.0  
Stars 1.1  
Moons of Jupiter 1.1  
Moons of Saturn 1.1  
Dice Plus 2.0  
Inclinometer 1.1  
Quotes Plus 1.1  
100 Scientists 1.1  
UV Index 5.1  
UV Index Pro 5.1  
Animalia 3.1  
Marine Life 1.1  
Dinosaur Museum 1.1  
Planets (Pro) 5.1  
Planets VR 5.1  
Black Holes 6.0  
Proxima Centauri 4.1  
Resistor Plus 1.1  
Magnetometer 3D 1.1  
Barometer 8.0  
Barometer Pro 7.1  
Accelerometer 5.0  
Micro Ruler 3.0  
Lux Meter 1.2  
Color Pro 1.1  
Tinnitus Therapy 1.2  
Randomis 1.2  
Accelerometer Pro 1.2  
Sleep Tight 1.2  
Jokes + 1.2  
Love Quotes 1.2  
Touch Screen Test + 4.1  
Backgammon Classic 3D 2.1  
Solaris 4.1  
Gomoku 2.1  
Time Zones 1.1  
Solar Radiation 2.1  
Wheels 5.2  
Mars, the red planet 2.1  
Moon 3D 3.1  
Earth 3D 3.1  
Pluto 3D 2.1  
IO 3D 2.1  
Mercury 3D 2.1  
Europa 3D 2.1  
Venus 3D 2.1  
Quakes 3D 2.1  
Volcanoes 3D 2.1